Patchwork Passion is an online store of machine embroidery designs. All the free designs are in .pes and the paid ones are proposed in the formats of the other embroiderers of the market in addition to the .pes. I also make designs to order, do not hesitate to contact me:
I have chosen to create designs that are often quick and easy to embroider with a minimum of thread change. 🙂
Generally I do not answer the mails of free orders (which are very numerous), so please read all the following. Any problems you may encounter are dealt with.
All my files are working, so please read the following before contacting me.
If you can’t open the file in your PE DESIGN software, you must have the wrong version. For example, PE DESIGN 10 reads version 9 patterns, but not the other way around. So don’t insist, and just put the file in the format of your embroidery machine in a USB stick, then put it in your machine.
Be aware that in 99% of the cases you do not have to open PE DESIGN to embroider it, just transfer it via the USB key after unzipping if necessary with a winrar type software.
Rare cases: If you need to open your design in PE DESIGN to transfer it via cable to your embroidery machine (and only for this purpose), you can IMPORT another format available in the .zip folder (example .JEF) in your PE DESIGN to open it.
Never embroider directly on your final work without having made a test before on an identical fabric, the designs are set up to go with most machines and fabrics, but you will understand that it may have some readjustments (preparation of the backing for example). I cannot be held responsible for the result or loss of your work.
Some of my old designs have file names too long for some machines to read them correctly, so they may not appear, if you encounter problems, think about shortening the name manually… They are usually free files.
FREE / To receive the free .PES files, you must place an order (free with no obligation to buy). I don’t provide them in another format, but you can find converters on the internet (follow the link in the store), but I can also convert them for 1 symbolic euro, contact me : I also remind you that the free ones are often, once embroidered, under copyright (disney or other) and that they are offered to you without any profit-making purpose.
PAYING / Thank you to read the general conditions of sale. When you make an order please check your email address, you will receive immediately after your payment an email where you can download your designs (“[Patchwork Passion] The product you bought is ready to be downloaded”). If you don’t have anything in your mailbox, check your spam! The store is automated, so there are never unsent mails.
Then, you have to click on the file title (example .zip) in the mail. In the .zip folder (which you have to unzip with a winrar software) you will find the picture of the design, the embroidery details and the versions: .CSD, .DST, .EXP, .HUS, .JEF, .PCS, .PES, .SHV, .VIP, .XXX.
Copy the file in your machine’s format to the USB stick and not the .zip, otherwise it will not work.
If you do not find this email containing the files in your mailbox: “[Patchwork Passion] The product you bought is ready to be downloaded”, you can always find the designs in your customer area directly in the store and in order (click on the link: For easy access, click on order at the bottom right of the home page once you are logged in.
All the files proposed in this site are coded for a single creative or informative purpose (refer to article L 122-5 3° a of the Intellectual Property Code). I thus decline any responsibility for the use you make of them.
I accept payments by credit card, Paypal and check (longer delays)
Happy sewing! 🙂